Here is a look at the parade, by the numbers:
148: Yards of horsehair in four colors used for the wig designed for the Cha Cha Girl float.
100: Cast members in the show.

53: Feet from snout to tail is the Steampunk-inspired Maleficent Dragon.
50: Feet in length is The Princess Garden float.
40: Characters presented in animated or sculptural form.
32: Feet high is Mickey's Airship, the tallest float in the parade.
30: Yards of fabric needed to make one Seashell Girl costume, which includes 12 different colors of Nitex Mesh.
28: Feet above the parade route its the The Jolly Roger ship atop the Peter Pan float.
27: Different costume design fabrics designed by Mirena Rada in collaboration with Creative Costuming Graphic Artist Paul Jordan.
16: Hours in an oven it took to create each piece of coral for the Little Mermaid float.
10: Different costume houses used to created the elaborate costumes.
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